集微访谈 | Dan Nystedt:半导体行业低迷将持续整个2023年

作者: 周宇哲 2023-01-16
来源:爱集微 #集微访谈# #行业趋势#

集微网消息,在往期的集微访谈栏目中,爱集微有幸采访了TriOrient Investments副总裁Dan Nystedt。Dan Nystedt常驻中国台湾,对中国台湾的半导体供应链以及产业投资有非常深刻的见解。集微访谈就关于半导体行业趋势、制程工艺、供应链多元化、日本芯片产业进程以及汽车芯片供应前景等方面提出了一系列问题,并收到了十分有启发的答复。











公司不仅努力提高产量,而且努力提高产能,这意味着更快地通过生产过程获得更多晶圆。 高端芯片的生产过程有3000 - 4000个步骤。产能取决于减少完成每个晶圆所需的步骤数。














Q: In 2022, the consumer electronics sector is now reporting a massive decline in demand. With the trend that the shipments of smartphones and PCs are shrinking, how the big chip foundries response to this negative phenomenon? Will they face more order-cuts in 2023?

A: The short answer is yes, they will face more order cuts in 2023. The semiconductor cycle has turned down and it will take a while to rebound.

Over the past few years during Covid, as many countries faced lockdowns or other restrictions, people spent a lot of money on new devices, including new smartphones, tablets, work-at-home laptops and school-at-home desktop PCs, and vacation-at-home TVs, game machines, etc.

But now everyone has devices, and Covid restrictions are ending.

People want to travel and do other things. Most people can wait to buy a new TV or computer. Demand for handsets will see a small rebound in the 2nd or 3rd quarter, but for other products like desktop and laptop PCs, demand will remain lackluster for the rest of this year and possibly next year as well.

Our view is that this product downturn could look like the 2000-2002 period, when a stock market bubble crashed and demand for tech items fell. At the time, people were enthralled by the rise and potential of the Internet, leading to the 'dotcom boom.'

People felt rich due to the stock market rise, so they bought all the new gadgets. After the crash,

people went back to doing other things they enjoyed, travel, hiking,etc.

So we believe the semiconductor downturn will last throughout 2023. Weare not looking for a second-half rebound, as some other investment houses are.

But predictions are difficult, especially about the future. We always try to stay nimble and remain open to what the data tells us.

Ask me again in June.

Q: The competition of cutting edge chip manufactures are already near super-heating among TSMC, Samsung and Intel. Accordingly, what are the crucial ingredients concerning the improvement of chip yield rate (such as TSMCs N3 and Samsungs 3GAE)?

A: Semiconductor manufacturing is difficult. When using new technology like EUV lithography machines, there are many challenges to boosting yield. It takes time and effort to overcome those challenges.

A key to improving yield is reducing defects, and in EUV, carbon residue build up is a problem.

Companies work hard not only to improve yield, but also throughput, which means getting more wafers through the production process faster. There are 3,000 - 4,000 steps in the production process of a high end chip. Throughput depends on reducing the number of steps needed to

finish each wafer.

One example of how the industry overcame a serious EUV lithography production problem was by using a pellicle to protect the photomask from carbon contamination. Carbon particles resulting from the EUV process built up on the photomask, causing defects in the imaging - which hurt yields. The pellicle was used to protect the mask. Without a pellicle, the photomask might have to be washed many times, slowing the production process - and also risking breakage. Breaking a photomask is very expensive.

Q: 2022 was the year when America,China, Japan and E.U are pumping huge sums of money into the industry to re-shore chip production and restore“technological sovereignty”. Do you believe the global semiconductor ecosystem would be more and more fragmented, and do you agree Morris Chang’s claim: “globalization and free trade are almost dead”?

A: Every country building its own semiconductor production is going to cause a glut. Morris Chang is a lot smarter than I am. I would not disagree with him.

Russia's invasion of the Ukraine has changed the way many countries view global supply chains and trading partners, and, of course, national defense.

Many years ago, every country made all of its own steel, autos, etc. It was a more fragmented world. I hope we do not return to that.

Q: Apple is diversifying its supply chain by producing MacBook and iPhone in Vietnam and India. Could you evaluate, what the roles of Vietnam and India would be playing in the global chip supply chain in the future?

A: Vietnam and India will probably see more chip assembly, packaging and testing factories built in their countries as supply chains move. India is also a very big market and demand there has grown in recent years.

But India will have to work on its infrastructure. Semiconductor fabs need stable, constant electricity, lots of water, and enough land for fab clusters (many fabs in one area).

It will still take many years.

Q: Japan’s newly formed chip foundry venture Rapidus says, it is seeking to invest several trillion yen to help reboot the country’s semiconductor industry and they will cooperate with quite a few elite non-Japanese chip companies and institutions to achieve their goal.According to you, what are the main challenges for Japan’s ambition to get back into the leading-edge semiconductor business?

A: Japan still has a number of strengths it can leverage in the semiconductor industry, world class chip equipment and semiconductor materials companies, and more. In semiconductor manufacturing, it's not going to be easy to try to reach the top of the industry when so far

behind. Most Japanese chip manufacturers use older process technologies.

Q: Mature node semiconductors, which are often still used in automotive and industrial electronics, are set to remain in short supply for the foreseeable future. Could you analyze, will government subsidies (US Chip Act and European Chip Act) alleviate the symptom of automotive chip shortages?

A: Government subsidies will help with mature node shortages. There used to be a huge market for second-hand (used) semiconductor equipment. But the shortage caused a scramble to buy up any production machinery that worked. Now everyone has to buy brand new equipment for mature processes. The problem with new equipment for mature chips is twofold - first, it means mature technology chips will be more expensive.

New equipment costs more than second-hand equipment. The second problem is the makers of mature technology equipment did not expect a boom for their machinery, so they are also scrambling to increase production to meet demand. It will take time.

责编: 武守哲
来源:爱集微 #集微访谈# #行业趋势#



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